The Final Stretch Community Canvass
It's the last weekend before the primary! Join me for one final push to talk to voters about my campaign and remind them to go out and vote on Tuesday! Together we're going to ensure a brighter future for Delaware.
Please register at the following link: bit.ly/TheFinalStretchCanvass

The Final Stretch Community Canvass
It's the last weekend before the primary! Join me for one final push to talk to voters about my campaign and remind them to go out and vote on Tuesday! Together we're going to ensure a brighter future for Delaware.
Please register at the following link: bit.ly/TheFinalStretchCanvass

Saturdays Are For The Doors Community Canvass
August is arguably the most important month of our campaign, as it is our last shot to get our message out in front of voters before the chaos of GOTV in September. At the same time, Saturdays are the perfect day to meet up, knock some doors and talk with voters. That's why we are taking full advantage of all five Saturdays August has to offer!
Please register at the following link: bit.ly/SaturdaysAreForTheDoors

Scoops for Smith Ice Cream Party
It's been a long, hot summer filled here in Delaware and across the country. Join us on Friday for some free ice cream from Mister Softee!
You can RSVP at the following link: bit.ly/ScoopsForSmith

Saturdays Are For The Doors Community Canvass
August is arguably the most important month of our campaign, as it is our last shot to get our message out in front of voters before the chaos of GOTV in September. At the same time, Saturdays are the perfect day to meet up, knock some doors and talk with voters. That's why we are taking full advantage of all five Saturdays August has to offer!
Please register at the following link: bit.ly/SaturdaysAreForTheDoors

Saturdays Are For The Doors Community Canvass
August is arguably the most important month of our campaign, as it is our last shot to get our message out in front of voters before the chaos of GOTV in September. At the same time, Saturdays are the perfect day to meet up, knock some doors and talk with voters. That's why we are taking full advantage of all five Saturdays August has to offer!
Please register at the following link: bit.ly/SaturdaysAreForTheDoors

Saturdays Are For The Doors Community Canvass
August is arguably the most important month of our campaign, as it is our last shot to get our message out in front of voters before the chaos of GOTV in September. At the same time, Saturdays are the perfect day to meet up, knock some doors and talk with voters. That's why we are taking full advantage of all five Saturdays August has to offer!
Please register at the following link: bit.ly/SaturdaysAreForTheDoors

Saturdays Are For The Doors Community Canvass
August is arguably the most important month of our campaign, as it is our last shot to get our message out in front of voters before the chaos of GOTV in September. At the same time, Saturdays are the perfect day to meet up, knock some doors and talk with voters. That's why we are taking full advantage of all five Saturdays August has to offer!
Please register at the following link: bit.ly/SaturdaysAreForTheDoors

Flip 21 in ‘24 Fundraiser
Join us on May 30th for a night of food, friends and fundraising at Anthony’s Coal Fired Pizza to help flip RD-21 blue!
Doors for the event will open at 6 p.m. and will run until 8 p.m. Food and drinks will be provided.
RSVPs are taken at the following link: bit.ly/Flip21in24

May Flowers and Brighter Futures Community Canvass
Just as flowers bloom in May, so too can our hopes for positive change blossom across the 21st district.
We're hitting the streets to engage with our neighbors, listen to their concerns, and share our commitment to building a brighter future together.
Please register at the following link: bit.ly/MayFlowersAndBrighterFutures

Spring Forward to a Brighter Future Canvass Kickoff
We are kicking of our canvassing efforts on the first day of daylight saving time!
With an extra hour of sunshine, we will be knocking doors across the 21st district spreading the word about Michael Smith and our campaign to flip RD-21 blue!
Please register at the following link: bit.ly/SpringForwardToABrighterFuture

Flip the 21st Fundraiser
Join us on December 13th for a night of food, friends and fundraising at Anthony’s Coal Fired Pizza to help flip RD-21 blue!
Doors for the event will open at 6 p.m. and will run until 8 p.m. Food and drinks will be provided.
RSVPs are taken at the following link: bit.ly/FlipThe21st